Program Details

Program Details2025-01-29T21:14:49+00:00


Beneficial Management Practices

The BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund (BCCAF) provides cost-shared funding to eligible producers and supports the training of certified crop advisors and agrologists as well as information sharing throughout the agricultural community. The objective of BCCAF is to support farmers in adopting beneficial management practices (BMPs) that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases, specifically in the areas of:

  1. Nitrogen Management
  2. Cover Cropping
  3. Rotational Grazing

These practices also provide other environmental benefits such as improved biodiversity and soil health. Other activities to support the adoption of beneficial management practices, such as outreach, education and training are also supported.

Approved projects will have three months from their project start date or until January 30, 2025 (whichever comes first) to incur the costs of their activities and submit a final report with cost documentation (receipts/invoices). Project activities and implementation must be complete before June 20, 2025. No extensions will be considered; if projects cannot be completed within the timeframe applicants are encouraged to apply in the next intake window.

Eligible Participants

All farms in BC that can implement a prescribed BMP and have the ability to cover 25% of their project costs are eligible to apply for BCCAF funding.

All applicants must:

  • Be appropriately registered, licensed and/or certified to conduct business in British Columbia
  • Have farm status

Each BMP must be reviewed and approved by a registered professional Agrologist. If an applicant has not consulted with an Agrologist prior to applying the application will undergo additional technical review.

Note: Funding is intended to increase new adoption of BMPs; farmers cannot receive funding for a BMP where it is already in use.

Max. Funding Amounts

The cost share ratio is 75/25 for all BMP categories, meaning that 75% of the eligible costs for approved projects can be covered by BCCAF funding, up to the maximum funding amount for that category. The remaining 25% must be provided by the applicant.

Approved projects will have three months from their project start date or until January 30, 2025 (whichever comes first) to incur the costs of their activities and submit a final report with cost documentation (receipts/invoices). Project activities and implementation must be complete before June 20, 2025. No extensions will be considered; if projects cannot be completed within the timeframe applicants are encouraged to apply in the next intake window.

The total program funding maximum is $75,000.

Eligible Activities & Expenses

Nitrogen Management

Eligible Costs:
  • Regular fertilizer and inhibitor price difference
  • Plan, assessment, design work and consultancy fees and cost of other agronomic support/technical training
  • Soil testing and soil mapping costs (to a max of $25,000)

  • Offsetting higher cost of synthetic fertilizer substitutes (manure, compost, digestates), where applicable and higher prices of fertilizer in the spring if applicable

  • Seed and planting costs to increase legumes in rotation
  • Cost of fertilizer application equipment and equipment upgrades to allow for banding, side dressing and injection. If applicable, costs for using equipment and the associated fuel required for the additional fertilizer application

  • If transitioning to manure, costs associated with spreading, using hoses or equipment for shallow incorporation (to avoid volatilisation)

Cover Cropping

Eligible Costs:
  • Costs related to agronomic services

  • Seed costs with regionally and commodity appropriate seed.

  • Cost of planting

Rotational Grazing

Eligible Costs:
  • Costs related to rotational grazing infrastructure (e.g. cross fencing, wildlife friendly fencing, temporary fencing, and waterers, including remote watering systems when powered by renewable energy)

  • Improved pasture composition (seeding costs for alfalfa, sainfoin, etc.)

  • Grazing management plans, technical assessments or engineered designs

Ineligible Costs, Limitations & Explanations

For all BCCAF funding projects, GST is not eligible for reimbursement. Retroactive costs, including any payments from before the project start date, and any payments for goods and services received before the project start date, are ineligible.

Nitrogen Management

Ineligible costs, Limitations and Explanations:
  • Costs related to the management of nutrients other than nitrogen are not eligible

  • In the case of transitioning to better manure management, only activities that improve manure incorporation in the soil are eligible. Injection is preferred; however, if equipment for this is not available, other methods of incorporation as soon as possible after application are also eligible

  • In-kind costs

Cover Cropping

Ineligible costs, Limitations and Explanations:
  • Costs for cover crops where growing and leaving cover crops undisturbed over-winter is not new and has been a routine practice used by the farmer
  • Costs related to mechanical or chemical termination of the cover crop
  • Fertilizer and crop protection costs
  • Costs related to rejuvenation of existing forages, pastures or hay land

  • full-season cover crops, with the exception of cover crops that are under-seeded with the main crop at seeding (i.e. inter-cropping)

  • In-kind costs

Rotational Grazing

Ineligible costs, Limitations and Explanations:
  • Perimeter fences if construction is not aligned with grazing plan

  • Removing or replacing old or existing fences

  • Non-renewable power sources such as generators

  • Used fencing materials
  • Texas gates
  • Portable livestock corral panels

  • On-going maintenance
  • In-kind costs

Interested in applying?

Applications are closed.


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Latest Resources

A collection of resources summarizing information learned during projects. We hope these resources will assist all BC Farmers and Ranchers mitigate climate change on their operation(s).

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