BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund

BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund (BCCAF)
BCCAF provides funding to help farmers tackle climate change by adopting beneficial management practices (BMPs) in three specific areas: Nitrogen Management, Cover Cropping and Rotational Grazing. BCCAF is funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF).
“The BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund program has afforded us the ability to expand and grow our ranch to a level that we never thought possible!”
“This project has contributed amazingly to our rotational grazing mission. Before our arrival, our fields were very reliant on the use of heavy fertilizer. We have been slowly reducing our reliance on this with the impact of livestock.”
“This project was very rich in new knowledge acquired by the whole team in the vineyard and in the winery. Being able to micromanage the Nitrogen in our soil and see the effect it has on the grape quality is so beautiful and rewarding. The effect of the cover cropping will be seen in the next few years.”
“We are the second generation on this farm, and have taken an entirely new direction with the land. For the first time in decades there are pastured animals, field crops and various forms of wildlife coexisting on this beautiful space. The grant has allowed us to move forward on various long term sustainable projects and repairs in a timely manner. With the grant funding we will reach our soil goals in a reasonable timeline, see our farmland flourish and be able to support our community with nutrient dense food and environmentally sustainable processes.”
Upcoming Events
Learn more about the BC Agri-Climate Solutions Program.
View our upcoming events, webinars, and workshops.

Latest Resources
A collection of resources summarizing information learned during projects. We hope these resources will assist all BC Farmers and Ranchers mitigate climate change on their operation(s).
Silage Corn then Manure then a Grass Cover Crop: Considerations
This episode focuses on recent research on using cover
Whiskey Creek Ranch Virtual Field Day
Beneficial management practices, like cover cropping and rotational grazing,
Cover Cropping 101
Explore the benefits of cover cropping, plus tips on