Cover cropping is a sustainable agricultural practice that involves planting crops specifically to improve soil health, increase climate adaptability and promote climate mitigation. Cover crops are grown primarily for the benefits they provide to the soil and the ecosystem and, when carefully chosen and managed, can be hugely beneficial to farmers. Benefits include protecting the soil from erosion, suppressing weeds, reducing soil compaction, increasing soil organic matter, improving soil structure, increasing soil water-holding capacity, and enhancing nutrient cycling. In addition, cover crops can provide a habitat for beneficial insects, such as pollinators and predators of pests.

At this event, we took a virtual tour of Kalala Organic Estate Winery followed by a Q&A and update with our farm host, Karnail Singh Sidhu, and Dr. Mehdi Sharifi, Research Scientist for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

This event was hosted by FarmFolk CityFolk.

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