Apply for Cost-Shared Funding
Eligible farm businesses can apply for cost-shared funding in each category:
Nitrogen Management
Cover Cropping
Rotational Grazing
The cost-share ratio is 75/25 for all BMP categories, meaning that 75% of the eligible costs for approved projects can be covered by BCCAF funding, up to the maximum funding amount for that category. The remaining 25% must be provided by the applicant.
The total program funding maximum is $75,000.
Eligible Activities & Expenses
Nitrogen Management
Eligible Costs:
Cover Cropping
Eligible Costs:
Rotational Grazing
Eligible Costs:
Application Details
What to know before you apply:
Finding your soil order number:
You will need your farm/ranch soil order number. To get the number visit the Government of Canada’s Soils of Canada site.
Not sure how to use the tool? The IAF Team created a tutorial demonstrating how to use it. (some small updates to the Government’s application have been made since we made this video – you can now search a street address!)
SLC Map Instructions
Once you have located the approximate location of your activities; click the map on that location. A text box will appear, please use the Soil Order number on the first page that appears. (Please note you may need to move the map to see the text box.)
Find an Agrologist:
IAF has compiled a list of Agrologists that have indicated they provide consulting services and are registered with the BC Institute of Agrologists. Interested producers should contact Agrologists directly for assistance. Click here to view the list.
Application Process
Applicants will apply through the IAF Client Portal. The application process will generally consist of:
During the application window, the IAF Team are available to answer any questions regarding eligible activities and costs. Applicants can contact bccaf(at) with any questions about the program.
Approved projects will have three months from their project start date or until January 30, 2025 (whichever comes first) to incur the costs of their activities and submit a final report with cost documentation (receipts/invoices). Project activities and implementation must be complete before June 20, 2025. No extensions will be considered; if projects cannot be completed within the timeframe applicants are encouraged to apply in the next intake window.
Applicants are encouraged to include only activities that they are confident will be completed on time and within budget limits.
Application Evaluation Process
All applications received by the deadline will be reviewed and evaluated based on applicant and activity eligibility and feasibility. If an application has not been reviewed by a Professional Agrologist prior to submission, then the application will undergo an additional technical review. If funding requested exceeds funding available, applications will be processed in order of receipt. Funding decisions will be communicated as they are made, but no later than one month following the application close date.
If a client fails to resubmit an incomplete application, they may be declined due to the incomplete application. Each time a client submits/resubmits their application they reset their adjudication timeline. Resubmission may also affect position in first-come, first-serve, depending on edits/clarification required and state of original application.
Need help with IAF’s Client Portal?
We’ve created a number of tutorials and FAQs about the IAF Client Portal to help you navigate this resource successfully.
Notifications & Obligations
Funding Notifications and Contracts
If an application is approved, IAF will inform the applicant of the details of the decision and any associated terms and conditions via email. Applicants will receive a funding decision within eight weeks of submitting or re-submitting your application. IAF will return incomplete applications to applicants via the IAF Client Portal for resubmission with missing information/clarifications requested. The applicant will then receive an approval letter which outlines the obligations of each party to receive program funding. If an application is not approved, the applicant will be informed via email. Funding decisions will be communicated as they are made, but no later than one month following the application close date.
If a client fails to resubmit an incomplete application, they may be declined due to the incomplete application. Each time a client submits/resubmits their application they reset their adjudication timeline. Resubmission may also affect position in first-come, first-serve, depending on edits/clarification required and state of original application. To see your project’s status, visit the IAF Client Portal.
Changes to Contracted Projects
If you are not able to complete your project within the allotted timeframe, you may re-apply in the next funding window. We are not able to grant extensions to approved projects in this program.
Tax Considerations
Funding received by farmers for the adoption of Beneficial Management Practices (BMP) through the BC Climate Agri-Solutions Program are considered a “farm support payment” by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Payments received through this program are considered income for the farm business and are subject to Income Tax. IAF will provide an AGR-1, Statement of Farm-Support Payments slip for all recipients who receive payments over $100.
Reporting Requirements
Successful applicants must complete a final report prior to receiving funds from the program. This report must be filled out and submitted to IAF to be considered for funding reimbursement. It is important the final report is submitted on time and with all required information. Please retain all invoices and receipts, you may be asked to submit some or all of the receipt/invoices following a review of your final report by the IAF Team. Expenses will be reimbursed based on audited receipts, the approved project budget and the corresponding cost-share ratio. All reporting will be completed via the IAF Client Portal.
Funding Acknowledgements
Communications and marketing activities, including public announcements or social media posts regarding project funding must be pre-approved by the IAF Communications Team. For more details: BCCAF Funding Acknowledgement Requirements.
Applications are closed.